Saturday, February 7, 2009

SHE SAID: "He's Just NOT that into you"

I read this book about two years ago along with every girl I know and I really liked it's honesty. When I saw they were coming out with a movie I was totally excited but interested to see how they were going to make it work since It's a self-help book. I have to say they did an exceptional job and I think this is one of those instant classics. It's star studded cast included: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connolly, Justin Long, Bradley Cooper, Ginnifer Goodwin & Scarlett Johansson. So it was bound to be amazing. This movie was basically about 4 different couples and a "mistress" and all of their relationships individually. They were all seperate stories but all four couples knew each other in one way or another, which connected the storylines. The movie went over common problems in relationships through the stories and also commentary by Frangela -two hilarious observers. This movie, although the title may imply different, wasn't just a chick flick. It had an entire section devoted to "She's just not that into you."
Although I did go with 8 girlfriends and the entire theater was filled with estrogen..this movie could actually speak to a lot of guys out there that "Just dont get it." This movie was a breath of fresh air pointing out that we only hurt ourselves and our friends when we feed them lies. Instead of simply saying "He's just not that into you" we say "I'm sure he lost your number or.."Maybe he's intimidated by you." It's bull. While in some cases this might be Justin Long repeatedly pointed out: If a guy wants to be with you..he'll find a way. In the end this movie was funny, romantic, relatable and Eye Opening, sure to bring on some epiphanies along the way. I will definitely be seeing it again. I hope you check it out!

ps..Are you the exception..or are you the rule?

I give this movie an A.


I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I guess you could say that I am a fan of Tim Burton, I really liked the film Beetlejuice, although I wasn't too impressed with the new Willy Wonka film that he did a few years back. Coraline was anything but ordinary and was filled with enchanting characters in which made you believe that creepy was the new trend. I really enjoyed the broad array of individuals who were apart of Coraline's neighborhood. The visual animation was vibrant and soothing. This film transitioned well from scene to scene because of its unique and creative context. Coraline's bizarre life was a complete wonderworld of imagination that kept me interested throughout the entire film. This is a good film for both adults and kids, I give this film a B+