Saturday, March 14, 2009

He Said: Watchmen

Never heard of the comic Watchmen but was entertained mildy by the movie. This was a film that had some good action scenes but they were too few and far between in my eyes. The film flowed rather slow and the story took awhile to develop. They could have easily shaved off 20 minutes of the film and it still might have been a bit too long. Watchmen did have some stunning visual animation in which will stimulate your senses. It is a very violent movie that had splashes of comedic dialogue that made me chuckle. Overall, the film Watchmen shows about as much promise as a Jingle All the Way type film in which Arnold Schwarzenegger became a super hero. This movie is a C- at worst and a B at best.
I give this film a B-

Saturday, February 7, 2009

SHE SAID: "He's Just NOT that into you"

I read this book about two years ago along with every girl I know and I really liked it's honesty. When I saw they were coming out with a movie I was totally excited but interested to see how they were going to make it work since It's a self-help book. I have to say they did an exceptional job and I think this is one of those instant classics. It's star studded cast included: Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connolly, Justin Long, Bradley Cooper, Ginnifer Goodwin & Scarlett Johansson. So it was bound to be amazing. This movie was basically about 4 different couples and a "mistress" and all of their relationships individually. They were all seperate stories but all four couples knew each other in one way or another, which connected the storylines. The movie went over common problems in relationships through the stories and also commentary by Frangela -two hilarious observers. This movie, although the title may imply different, wasn't just a chick flick. It had an entire section devoted to "She's just not that into you."
Although I did go with 8 girlfriends and the entire theater was filled with estrogen..this movie could actually speak to a lot of guys out there that "Just dont get it." This movie was a breath of fresh air pointing out that we only hurt ourselves and our friends when we feed them lies. Instead of simply saying "He's just not that into you" we say "I'm sure he lost your number or.."Maybe he's intimidated by you." It's bull. While in some cases this might be Justin Long repeatedly pointed out: If a guy wants to be with you..he'll find a way. In the end this movie was funny, romantic, relatable and Eye Opening, sure to bring on some epiphanies along the way. I will definitely be seeing it again. I hope you check it out!

ps..Are you the exception..or are you the rule?

I give this movie an A.


I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I guess you could say that I am a fan of Tim Burton, I really liked the film Beetlejuice, although I wasn't too impressed with the new Willy Wonka film that he did a few years back. Coraline was anything but ordinary and was filled with enchanting characters in which made you believe that creepy was the new trend. I really enjoyed the broad array of individuals who were apart of Coraline's neighborhood. The visual animation was vibrant and soothing. This film transitioned well from scene to scene because of its unique and creative context. Coraline's bizarre life was a complete wonderworld of imagination that kept me interested throughout the entire film. This is a good film for both adults and kids, I give this film a B+

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


My mom and I went to watch Bride Wars because we ALWAYS see chick flicks together. Knowing she would never get my dad to go and knowing there was no way Jarred would be convinced it works out perfect to see "girly movies" that I'm interested in with my mom. This movie was fab in every way. Funny, Witty, visually stimulating and meaningful wrapped in one great performance by Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. The movie is about two best friends played by the previously mentioned actresses that have grown up their whole lives dreaming about their weddings. They both had their hearts set on being Wed at the plazza; a very prestigious and high ranked hot spot. Without giving too much away they are both engaged and planning their weddings at the same time. The story goes into how obsessed women are with their weddings and everything being perfect for this one day they consider to be the most important day of their lives. They get so caught up in the logistics that they completley forget what that one day is really suppose to be about. Their husbands could of very well been left out of the scenerio because all that was on their minds was making this day perfect for themeselves. It touched on a very ugly truth about how selfish brides can be and how it can virtually ruin the relationships around you. With a great story and a great ending they concluded the movie with an open ended possibiilty for a sequel. Can't wait for it!
I give this movie an A- as far as chick flicks go!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


After some pleading I convinced my boyfriend to finally go see Notorious. I had been hearing good feedback from coworkers and friends so I wanted to check it out. I must say I thought it was a decent movie. I'm not jumping up and down about it, but it was as good if not better than I expected. Jamal Woolard who played Biggie made the movie in my opinion. I'm always a little precarious with biographies because the actor portraying the main character and supporting actors have to be a great fit or it just doesn't work.Jamal Woolard is in actuality a Brooklyn-based rapper better known to many by his hip-hop name, Gravy. I think his real life experience really breathed life into his performance and ultimately made it what it is.

This movie was Undoubtedly a biography about Christopher George Latore Wallace more commonly known as; The Notorious B.I.G. However it also touched on the TuPac Biggie rivalry. More deeply it showed the intensity of the East Coast West Coast fued. The supporting main characters were all great except in my boyfriends opinion; "Puffy's" portrayl. I agree they could of picked a better candidate, but I think he got the job done. I particularly appreciated golden globe winner Angela Bassett who played biggies mother and Antonique Smith who played Biggies wife; Faith Evans. They did a phenomenal job. All in all the movie was very enjoyable. I can't forget to mention that there was PLENTY of T&A for the fellas. Which I'm sure to some is a big seeling point. What I like about the movie the most is that It didn't over glamorize biggie's life. It actually did quite the opposite, and for that I think it was very honest. It showed his struggles and his rise to the top, but it most of all showed his faults and his struggle with coming into his own manhood. For anyone that's a fan of Biggie, tupac or hip-hop free style rap, this movie is a must see! My closing statement has to be: BUT DAMN I'D BE PISSED IF I WAS LITTLE KIM. I give this movie a B-

Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey Everyone:

Thanks for checking us out. HeSaidSheSaid is a blog dedicated to movie reviews. Anthony Luongo will be the voice behind our "He Said" reviews providing you with a male take. Candace Pollock will be behind "She said" and will be representing for the ladies. We will be viewing current movies and telling you our personal opionions about them. We hope to give you well rounded reviews and some great insight to either guide you to some great flicks or save you from wasting your time! Check back regularly to see the latest reviews!