Tuesday, January 27, 2009


My mom and I went to watch Bride Wars because we ALWAYS see chick flicks together. Knowing she would never get my dad to go and knowing there was no way Jarred would be convinced it works out perfect to see "girly movies" that I'm interested in with my mom. This movie was fab in every way. Funny, Witty, visually stimulating and meaningful wrapped in one great performance by Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. The movie is about two best friends played by the previously mentioned actresses that have grown up their whole lives dreaming about their weddings. They both had their hearts set on being Wed at the plazza; a very prestigious and high ranked hot spot. Without giving too much away they are both engaged and planning their weddings at the same time. The story goes into how obsessed women are with their weddings and everything being perfect for this one day they consider to be the most important day of their lives. They get so caught up in the logistics that they completley forget what that one day is really suppose to be about. Their husbands could of very well been left out of the scenerio because all that was on their minds was making this day perfect for themeselves. It touched on a very ugly truth about how selfish brides can be and how it can virtually ruin the relationships around you. With a great story and a great ending they concluded the movie with an open ended possibiilty for a sequel. Can't wait for it!
I give this movie an A- as far as chick flicks go!


  1. You nailed it sweets- I liked the part when they were taking dance lessons- Tee hee
    also how ackward anne looked dancing at the Male strip show::::::::::
